From John Read

Created by John 3 years ago

I first met Stuart in the mid 60’s and as country lads in our late teens we had many enjoyable adventures together. Some of these adventures are best described as youthful fun and not explained any further. Many others that can be mentioned were mainly based on meeting in a local pub and then deciding where we were off to for the evening, maybe just another pub for a game of darts, or somebody always new somebody who was having a party or to the folk club in Bury St Edmunds. We always managed to find something to do to enjoy ourselves, Rugby was not my game, but with Stuart being so involved with the club I was able to enjoy many of the social aspects of the club.  When I had my first Mini we enjoyed many trips to motor racing circuits or a trip to the coast, Clacton being the favourite place. The annual fair on Melford Green was also a must for a night or two of fun.
I remember very clearly the Stag Night that Dave Purvis mentions in his story even though I was feeling the effects of too much drink. Although it was September I was feeling very, very cold and was sitting close to an electric fire in Mr P’s at Whitegates to keep warm and Stuart kindly made some of the best scrambled eggs I have ever had.    
Although I moved away from Suffolk in the early 70’s it was always a pleasure for Gill (my wife) and me to visit Stuart and Sally when I made the trip home to see my parents. Although these trips become fewer as the years passed I am glad to say that Stuart remained a good friend during the 50+ years I knew him.