Funeral for Stuart Ham

Family will be paying their love and respect to Stuart on the 6th October at 1pm at Foxearth Church. As you all are aware Covid-19 restrictions have prohibited us from holding a public funeral for Stuart, however, if you would like to pay your respects Stuart will be driven down from our home starting at 12:45pm along the main street in which people are welcome to stand (please follow all covid-19 guidelines by keeping two metres apart and wearing a mask, please note guests are not permitted on the church site). For any further information please do contact Hunniballs on 01787 313303 who will pass your details on to Stuarts wife, Sally.  

This tribute page has been set up to allow people to write and share their memories of Stuart, of which our family would so enjoy. Any donations made will be going to the planting of trees within Stuarts much loved village of Foxearth. Stuart was the tree warden from 1987 and continued in this role for some years after with the support of other members of our community. Stuart cared so very much for his home and the natural environment, and we feel this would be a beautiful way to pay tribute to him. *Online donations will be made using a crowdfunding page and will be up and running by Saturday 25th

Stuart was the tree warden from the October storms in 1987 and had a country mans love for his village and countryside. It is the family wish that donations in lieu of flowers are sent and cheques made payable to Hunnaball of Sudbury OR to use the crowdfunding page which is to be paid back into Stuarts beloved village of Foxearth for the purchase of trees in Stuart's memory. Telephone Hunnaball on 01787 313303 for further info. *Thank you for all the donations given and the lovely photos!*