From Angela - Stuarts eldest sister

Created by Sally 3 years ago

-Sonia (Stuarts middle sister who passed away some years ago now) and I sitting on each side of mum to see the new baby when he and mum came home from St. Leonards hospital, one week after he was born 7/7/47

- A family holiday at the beach, Stuart just beginning to walk with me holding him up

- Stuart imitating our mother, sitting at her dressing table, with his face and hair covered in cold cream, he used most of the jar before his was discouraged!

-A family outing to Grimes grave, when Stuart explored all the narrow tunnels and I was sent to find him. For me at 16 it was quite a tight squeeze!Ray a french pen friend, was with us and she gave Stuart a little bear on a bicycle, that Stuart had kept and found in the loft recently. 

- Stuart at John and I's wedding reception at the Bull hotel, Long Melford, helping himself to champagne every time the waiter went passed with the tray! The effects of the alcohol became clear when Stuart slid down his chair under the table!!

- Stuart with us in Canada (Aug-Dec 1964, aged 16) John and Stuart digging for clams on the beach in Maine, Stuart sailing the 8ft dingy, John and Stuart returning from a hunting trip with the deer tied to the front of the VW beetle. Stuart was wearing all his hunting gear for his flight home in Dec, the flight was grounded at Montreal due to an ice storm, he was put up at the hilton hotel with two roasts of moose meat in the rucksack, beginning to thaw! (It was illegal to take raw meat to the UK but it was enjoyed anyway!)

- My last visit to Farthings was in 2017, the year of Stuarts 70th birthday and Sally's 61st. I was there for Sallys 61st birthday party, Stuart got a seafood platter from Mersea, always a favourite with all the family and something I look forward to when I came 'home'. 'Home' because to be reunited with you all and hear about your lives is something I always treasure, family gatherings are a part of our tradition, from the time Stuart, Sonia and I were growing up, until the present. I hope all the younger generations will continue on this tradition and value the love and caring in which you have always enjoyed. We send our love to you all and wish we could be with you at this time. God bless you all, Angela